....they know hat the average user is offended by the propaganda they publish, and they want to hide that reality from the few users who view their articles with credulous curiosity.

....they know hat the average user is offended by the propaganda they publish, and they want to hide that reality from the few users who view their articles with credulous curiosity.


[–] E-werd 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

I was looking at getting a Pittsburgh Post Gazette subscription and I saw that they only allow comments by subscribers. I assume that'd to keep track of exactly who is saying what and to hold it over your head in some way.

That said, comment sections of news sites have never been more than a dumping ground for complete retards. They're better disabled. You shouldn't be going there for discussion, you should be going there for news.

[–] oddjob 0 points (+0|-0)

they only allow comments by subscribers

I bet its more about eliminating spam than anything else.