These people are usually what you would call progressive and they all sounded very angry. Interesting times.

These people are usually what you would call progressive and they all sounded very angry. Interesting times.


[–] Justintoxicated 4 points (+4|-0) Edited

Well both sides are angry:

The right is angry because Smollet is the boy who cried "racism" insinuating the tired stereotype that right wing voters are all a bunch of racists.

The "woke" left is angry because he tried to manipulate them for attention while also lending credence to the fake hate crime movement embarrassing their position.

And of course most anyone in the middle are annoyed because even if you ignore the whole drama of the case itself there is a blatant element of public corruption and gross incompetence.

[–] KillBill [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

The slaves united and riled up is bad for business. I can see both Smollet and someone from the department being thrown under the bus now.

[–] CDanger 1 points (+1|-0)

That would be logical, but I've learned never to be optimistic for justice and accountability.