[–] KillBill [OP] 1 points (+1|-0) The slaves united and riled up is bad for business. I can see both Smollet and someone from the department being thrown under the bus now. The slaves united and riled up is bad for business. I can see both Smollet and someone from the department being thrown under the bus now. permalink source [–] CDanger 1 points (+1|-0) That would be logical, but I've learned never to be optimistic for justice and accountability. That would be logical, but I've learned never to be optimistic for justice and accountability. permalink source
[–] CDanger 1 points (+1|-0) That would be logical, but I've learned never to be optimistic for justice and accountability. That would be logical, but I've learned never to be optimistic for justice and accountability. permalink source
The slaves united and riled up is bad for business. I can see both Smollet and someone from the department being thrown under the bus now.