How do you get it to sort out all the OTHER posts I make?

That's a pretty cool feature!

[–] InnocentBystander 0 points (+1|-1) Edited

You mean the ones you never made until I called you out?
You didn't do anything except spam until then. I'm glad you've taken my advice and contribute more now.

But spam is still spam.

Edit: That is not a list of your posts. It only looks that way because you are the only one that spams that site.

Posting from a consolidation site isn't "spamming." It is a collection of authors who all contribute to many sites, including that one.

I know that these articles have more than 5 words and no videos, so they are worthless to you, but they can be thought provoking to us who like to think.

Have you ever even read one of those articles that you and your alts or cohorts downvote? You don't have to answer, I know you don't.

Posting from a consolidation site isn't "spamming.

Posting the same site over and over, even when it becomes clear that it is not wanted, is spam.
I am familiar with the site. It is garbage. It makes Brietbart or Huffpo look balabnced. That's probably what users don't like it.

so they are worthless to you

You insult me and cry like a bitch, but I just know you're going to accuse me of being the immature one again.
Self-reflection, look it up.

your alts or cohorts downvote?

Alts? You are going to accuse me of using alts? I guess that's what happens when you judge others by your own standards. You must think everyone is an angry sock-puppet.