[–] Grammar-Rabbi 0 points (+0|-0)


Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan really means "let's go back to a pre- Civil Rights era", which is proven by the fact that Roseanne Barr made a tweet about a woman looking like an ape.

White people alone are producing the undercurrent of racial segregation in the modern US culture... which of course we can all tell, since non-White ethnicities are always trying to get more white people into their neighborhoods/businesses/schools/groups of all sorts (I'm sure you can name plenty of PoC organizations doing this, right?), but there is no push in mainstream white culture for more diversity.

There absolutely is a cultural civil war in the US right now. This author's analysis of that war was so silly that I'd assume a child had written it, were I not familiar with the state of modern education and media.

I assume you are being tongue in cheek with your reply's first two paragraphs, or do you really think that Trump is a racist who wants to put blacks back in their place, and that whites are trying to re-segregate?

Interesting article on Racism in America, although I disagree a bit with the conclusion that people just aren't accepting or have not given up the old ways. Although that is a part of it, I do not see that as the reason for an uptick in racism - I believe it is a reactionary movement where those in the dominant position are reacting to not being as dominant AND being told they deserve it for things out of their own control - you are shitty for being. period, not for anything you did, but for just existing.

[–] E-werd 0 points (+0|-0)

I believe it is a reactionary movement where those in the dominant position are reacting to not being as dominant AND being told they deserve it for things out of their own control - you are shitty for being. period, not for anything you did, but for just existing.

I'd agree with that. I can certainly attest to the last part. As a white man, what do they expect to happen when I'm told by society that I'm racist and therefore bad simply because of being white? "You can catch more flies with honey than vinegar" makes sense here.

And there are a lot of us that found comfort in Trump, coming forward and more or less vindicating us for being who we are. Maybe it was more about feelings than more tangible things, but I guess that's the way it is sometimes.

Anymore this seems to go for being a man as well, and even for being straight. Straw man, I know, and I don't feel like finding the proof for that pudding right now--sorry.

Some might say "Sucks, doesn't it? Now maybe you'll understand better what it's like to be black/gay/female/foreigner/etc." but I am not sure that's the best way to go about it. Seems a bit immature and vengeful way to go about making a point - it seems like the same kind of thinking that goes into riots that destroy one's own neighborhoods, the "Oh yeah? I'm pissed, so I am going to fuck up my shit worse. That will show them!" mentality doesn't make a lot of sense to me personally.

[–] CDanger 0 points (+0|-0)

If the point is to "teach them a lesson", then the cause loses any pretense of moral high ground. All it shows is that if the positions were reversed, they would have acted in the same that they condemn now.

I think it comes down to the internet and media enabling fringe positions: the loudest, most extreme positions receive far more attention than they should and can gather an audience. Most people don't buy into the extremes and are fairly reasonable, but you won't hear about that. Instead you'll hear the left calling anyone opposing free-for-all immigration nazis and those on the right saying deport all foreigners.