[–] Grammar-Rabbi 0 points (+0|-0)


Trump's "Make America Great Again" slogan really means "let's go back to a pre- Civil Rights era", which is proven by the fact that Roseanne Barr made a tweet about a woman looking like an ape.

White people alone are producing the undercurrent of racial segregation in the modern US culture... which of course we can all tell, since non-White ethnicities are always trying to get more white people into their neighborhoods/businesses/schools/groups of all sorts (I'm sure you can name plenty of PoC organizations doing this, right?), but there is no push in mainstream white culture for more diversity.

There absolutely is a cultural civil war in the US right now. This author's analysis of that war was so silly that I'd assume a child had written it, were I not familiar with the state of modern education and media.

I assume you are being tongue in cheek with your reply's first two paragraphs, or do you really think that Trump is a racist who wants to put blacks back in their place, and that whites are trying to re-segregate?