[–] AOU -1 points (+0|-1)

Why do you still treat me like an enemy?

[–] Adhdferret 3 points (+3|-0)

I don't even know who the fuck you are. I see the name you have choosen here on this platform, but that don't mean shit.

Besides why does it matter what I think of you? Are you that obsessed with MY approval that you need to have vindication? The internet is not nor will it ever be that goddamn serious.

[–] AOU -1 points (+0|-1)

Go to voat and do your homework.

[–] Adhdferret 4 points (+4|-0)

This comment right here is the reason subversion is so easy to spot. You fucks don't even try hard anymore.

You want attention and just either recruitment process to get more blind followers or you intimidate or criticize because you lack substance to a goddamn thing you speak of.

You know damn good and well I have deleted my account and don't say you do not because it is evident you do as your main focus here right now is drama to fufill you miserable blight of an existence.

Here is excatly what I am going to do so you have little confusion within that sock of marbles you have inside your head. I am going to disregard anything you say in the future as it means nothing since you are incapable of more than a few words per reply.

Then I am going to not engage you in the future. I will however remember this little exchange and explain to others why if you ever do try to gain more of a following why it isn't wise to do so.

Then you will reply with some snarky substance lacking reply that will show everyone exactly how adolescent you are. Now you will do that because you can't help it. Just what you are. A child or at least a child's mentality.

I will then keep posting and helping people with gun builds maybe I will start a few other subs to help people. You won't....no you will continue to project negativity as it is all you know since really you are just useless.