[–] Adhdferret 1 points (+1|-0)

Meh things come and go right? Was more about the communities I started and just had to leave. Felt this is the most viable place to go.

[–] mindtrip 0 points (+0|-0)

Yeah. At least I'm 99% you're a human as well and you care about putting some effort into content and replies. The level of twitter style posts over there was getting under my skin. The posters and content has noticeably changed and the recent period of down time and lack of reply from atko and putt disappointed me and seems out of character.

Ah well, it's just the internet. It's a shame I can't follow along with your diy guns being down under. But it's fascinating to observe.

[–] Adhdferret 1 points (+1|-0)

Who says you can't follow? That ain't illegal to see or learn about it now is it?

What do you want to know or see?

[–] mindtrip 1 points (+1|-0)

Oh I mean actually making my own they'd throw the book at me if they ever caught me out. I've been looking at licensing and getting more into the club scene but can't really afford it at the moment.

I'm definitely following your progress with them though as it's interesting as all hell.