Decided to check out the site and give it a shot, lots of fuckery going on Voat I feel. I've longed lost trust with Putt, this last outage was just plain ridiculous on all levels.

Got a few questions about the site though

What is this user level and how is it determined?

How can I see what all subscriptions I currently have to subs?

How would I go about creating a sub?

Decided to check out the site and give it a shot, lots of fuckery going on Voat I feel. I've longed lost trust with Putt, this last outage was just plain ridiculous on all levels. Got a few questions about the site though What is this user level and how is it determined? How can I see what all subscriptions I currently have to subs? How would I go about creating a sub?


[–] chmod 1 points (+1|-0)

Pembo, do the square root rules change the higher you go? For example, you are level 30. 30x30x10= 9000 yet your total score is only 8599 (as of now). Just curious.

[–] pembo210 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

The mining donation badge I have is worth some xp. I forget the exact numbers. Your xp is your votes plus badges..

sqrt((votes+badges) / 10)