Decided to check out the site and give it a shot, lots of fuckery going on Voat I feel. I've longed lost trust with Putt, this last outage was just plain ridiculous on all levels.
Got a few questions about the site though
What is this user level and how is it determined?
How can I see what all subscriptions I currently have to subs?
How would I go about creating a sub?
hi, welcome. Poke around and let me know if you have any other questions.
user level is square root of xp divided by 10 ::: level 4 is (4x4x10) = 160 points
you can use /subs to see all subs, green and red stripes in the left edge of each row for subbed and blocks, a page with just your subbed subs is in the works
when you reach level 2 (40 points) you can make a sub, at level 5 (250 points) the captcha goes away