Radical free speech is important and a cornerstone of the US. Yeah, you've got some real shitheads on voat but also a lot of decent people that just don't hold the previously approved PC opinions. The internet was way better before it began to coalesce into megacorps like google, fb, and reddit. Instead of defending free speech they caved to advertisers. The issue w/ that is someone is always pissed off by something and the smallest groups shout the loudest. Now we've got a situation that's gotten out of hand and even regular conservatives are targeted. Voat is basically a concentration camp for free speech online. They've rounded up all the "wrongthinkers" and sent them to one place.

Before reddit and that Mountain Dew (the hitler did nothing wrong naming contest) troll happened /pol/ was libertarian more or less believe it or not. The PC left is Frankenstein and Voat's their monster. Assholes were fewer and farther between online before they all got shipped to the same place.

When you start inventing shit like "micro aggressions" and telling everyone their racist nonstop... I could provide a thousand other examples. The left has even managed to bring back segregation on college campuses only this time they're called "safe spaces" and black only dorms.

The Radical Left and the Far Right are every bit as bad as each other and more alike than they are different. They both have a need to be authoritarian in order to stay in power. (Horseshoe Theory)

Reddit, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, etc. have no shortage of racists. They've just got the "right kind" in our weird double-standard culture.

Radical free speech is important and a cornerstone of the US. Yeah, you've got some real shitheads on voat but also a lot of decent people that just don't hold the previously approved PC opinions. The internet was way better before it began to coalesce into megacorps like google, fb, and reddit. Instead of defending free speech they caved to advertisers. The issue w/ that is someone is always pissed off by something and the smallest groups shout the loudest. Now we've got a situation that's gotten out of hand and even regular conservatives are targeted. Voat is basically a concentration camp for free speech online. They've rounded up all the "wrongthinkers" and sent them to one place. Before reddit and that Mountain Dew (the hitler did nothing wrong naming contest) troll happened /pol/ was libertarian more or less believe it or not. The PC left is Frankenstein and Voat's their monster. Assholes were fewer and farther between online before they all got shipped to the same place. When you start inventing shit like "micro aggressions" and telling everyone their racist nonstop... I could provide a thousand other examples. The left has even managed to bring back segregation on college campuses only this time they're called "safe spaces" and black only dorms. The Radical Left and the Far Right are every bit as bad as each other and more alike than they are different. They both have a need to be authoritarian in order to stay in power. (Horseshoe Theory) Reddit, Facebook, Youtube, Twitter, etc. have no shortage of racists. They've just got the "right kind" in our weird double-standard culture.


[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)


The verdict is not final, as the German asked for three days for reflection and prosecutor Johannes Winklhofer made no statement


That's some blokes Wikipedia page.

Can you now give us some examples of people being arrested for criticizing Christians?

[–] PhuksNewfag 0 points (+0|-0)

The verdict is not final, as the German asked for three days for reflection and prosecutor Johannes Winklhofer made no statement

This doesn't make it much better in my opinion. Even possibly facing jail and having to deal with the bureaucracy would easily lead most people to self-censor and will have a chilling effect on other people hearing of this.

That's some blokes Wikipedia page.

Yes, Read the section "criminal proceedings", this bloke is a journalist who had to face jail or pay fines a lot of times.

"Because Stürzenberger had stated at a Pegida rally in Graz in spring 2015 that every Muslim was a potential terrorist, the Graz criminal court sentenced him in November 2015 for inciting and degrading religious teachings to a conditional prison term of four months and a fine of 960 Euro. [59]"

"Stürzenberger was sentenced on December 8, 2017 by the District Court of Duisburg for incitement to a fine of 2,400 euros. He had spoken at a Pegida event in 2015, among other things of an "invasion" from the Islamic region. [62]"

Can you now give us some examples of people being arrested for criticizing Christians?

I did a very similar search and looked at the first two pages, that's one additional google page than I bothered to do for islam.

I only found this one: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/asia/amos-yee-singapore-jails-teenager-youtube-blogger-insulting-christians-muslims-videos-quran-bible-a7345856.html

Which is about insulting both christianity and islam.

Instead google suggested a few articles about christians facing jail for saying stuff about homosexuals and about Christians being persecuted.

I also tried Bing with similar results.

I suspect that you ask this question for a reason, maybe search engines provide different results for you as results are personalized, but I can't find anything.

However I recall that pussy riot got jailed in russia.