[–] KFCNyanCat 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

It's more a problem with the presentation than the actual facts. The video does not make an attempt to be neutral or accessible to anyone who isn't familiar with the lingo of young right wingers on the internet.

I get that this guy is probably a comedian, but it bugs me that the only places I've ever seen this data presented in video format, it's always accompanied by bias. You can say "soy decreases male testosterone levels, causing them to become more likely to develop depression and be effeminate" without the stuff about left wingers. The part about left wingers is only supported by cherry picked Twitter posts, not actual data. I wouldn't doubt that left beliefs are at least slightly more common among those with lower T levels, but that's a conclusion that shouldn't be jumped to without evidence.

[–] registereduser [OP] 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

but that's a conclusion that shouldn't be jumped to without evidence.

Suggest you watch the first 6 seconds again.


Also, cherry picked data is still data.

And again, do you have any significant numbers of examples of manly men who consume lot's of soy and end up on the far right? Or even one?