It would be on a separate page (opt-in, I don't want to murder batteries) and users could get XP (to remove captchas earlier, etc) or some of those spots credits to draw dicks on the canvas.

What do you guys think about that? We're currently testing that here.

EDIT: Use this one now. This one keeps track of how much everybody has contributed

It would be on a separate page (opt-in, I don't want to murder batteries) and users could get XP (to remove captchas earlier, etc) or some of those spots credits to draw dicks on the canvas. What do you guys think about that? We're currently testing that [here](https://polsaker.com/miner/). EDIT: [Use this one now](https://dev.phuks.co/miner). This one keeps track of how much everybody has contributed


[–] Polsaker [OP] 4 points (+4|-0)

XP was intended to game-ify Phuks a bit, and higher levels are only supposed to unlock cosmetic features (except for the captcha bit). That's why every badge gives XP on top of the sum of the user's score.

I think we'll settle for giving a badge to users who contributed a lot. That badge will give extra XP, just like every other badge

[–] smallpond 3 points (+3|-0)

I know you guys like games...

For me having XP as some arbitrarily weighted sum of contributions via, up/downvotes, badges, coin mining and whatever else, just makes it all the more meaningless. Perhaps have an info link next to it to explain how it's calculated.

I think a user's badge is quite clear on their profile, and don't have any inclination to try to convert that to some equivalent number of upvotes and add it to their XP score. XP will become easier to earn via up/downvotes in future as well.

[–] Polsaker [OP] 3 points (+3|-0)

Actually, by design, the user wasn't supposed to see the XP level at all. Only their level and their score (which is only upvotes-downvotes).

Latter, pembo for some reason started showing the XP value everywhere