Excerpts from the Terms of Service:
What sets this site apart from others is our no-tolerance policy for bigotry and reactionary ideology. Users that demonstrate a pattern of intolerance or attempt to use raddit.me as a platform for far-right ideas and bigotry will be seen as violating these Terms of Service and will be banned from using this site.
Content is prohibited if it
Promotes white supremacy, homophobia or heterosexism, transphobia or cisgenderism, misogyny or patriarchy, classism, ableism, body shaming, antisemitism, Islamophobia, colonialism or age discrimination.
Sexualizes minors or promotes adults having sex with minors.
Trivializes or makes light of rape.
Apologizes for police or military brutality, imperialism, eugenics, genocide.
Apologizes for violence towards children.
Well, Raddit is ridiculously ban-happy, and that's not Voat. Voat just throttles and harasses people so most wrong-thinkers leave of their own accord.
Both represent extreme ideological distillations, that have largely lost the ability and motivation to communicate or empathize with their opposition, and instead spend their time angrily circle-jerking and demonizing them.
It's obvious they agree on some issues: online privacy, mainstream brain-washing; Voat is antisemitic with a peripheral hatred of Israel, Raddit hates Israel with implied antisemitism.