[–] asg101 2 points (+2|-0)

My niece who works in an ICU just had to tell the 9 and 3 year old children of a 39 year old, otherwise healthy man that their dad had died from it. So spare me your inaccurate asinine disinformation that the Q-tards have fed you about it only killing the weak.

With Covid, you either fight it or you spread it. There is no dignity in being that special kind of stupid that kills people.

[–] Spartanfoks -1 points (+0|-1)

"Fight it or spread it". Tell me, if I'm not fighting HIV, am I spreading it?

I'm not a villain, even though I'm sure you may believe I am. It's too bad, that people have to die. It is what it is.

Though, it lends little in the way of making a convincing argument, when you choose to throw sob stories at me, rather than reason.

[–] asg101 0 points (+0|-0)

But ooooh, masks are so UNDIGNIFIED is a reasonable argument? Get a fucking grip you sociopathic narcissist.


[–] Spartanfoks 0 points (+0|-0)

You're cherry picking, not to mention totally over-reacting. I'd call undignified a personal reason, one of enough to make me feel that wearing a mask in public is not necessary. Not under most circumstances.

You and I aren't enemies. I don't see why you're showing such hostility to my perspective here.