[–] Spartanfoks -1 points (+0|-1)

"Fight it or spread it". Tell me, if I'm not fighting HIV, am I spreading it?

I'm not a villain, even though I'm sure you may believe I am. It's too bad, that people have to die. It is what it is.

Though, it lends little in the way of making a convincing argument, when you choose to throw sob stories at me, rather than reason.

[–] asg101 0 points (+0|-0)

But ooooh, masks are so UNDIGNIFIED is a reasonable argument? Get a fucking grip you sociopathic narcissist.


[–] Spartanfoks 0 points (+0|-0)

You're cherry picking, not to mention totally over-reacting. I'd call undignified a personal reason, one of enough to make me feel that wearing a mask in public is not necessary. Not under most circumstances.

You and I aren't enemies. I don't see why you're showing such hostility to my perspective here.

[–] asg101 0 points (+0|-0)

Yes, I am hostile towards your perspective, because your perspective is encouraging people to spread this disease and kill people. You don't think it is a problem to just kill off the old and sick, but I know PERSONALLY that it doesn't stop there, and when I point out that "it just kills the old and sick" is a lie, you dismiss it as a "sob story". But even if it wasn't, that philosophy of culling the herd being somehow "ok" is sickening anyway. You put your discomfort or disdain for wearing a mask over the lives of people you neither know or care about, which sickens me and most sane, caring people, especially those that DO know and care about the people dying from this fucking thing.

People who take self-centered actions that kill innocent people ARE my enemy. But like I said elsewhere, ignore health and safety guidelines, believe in your superiority and invulnerability and privilege, keep getting together with other special snowflake deniers, and maybe in time it will become a self-solving problem.