[–] Kannibal 0 points (+0|-0)

so everyone feels safer because a good citizen took out the shooter.

Yet not all shooters are particularly smart enough to take the warning.

The number of shooters seems to be climbing (at least news reports are, because it is good for ratings)

So what is the cause in the increase of shooters? and how do we reverse the trend?

[–] COFfeebreak 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Update: Father (and grandfather) of victims said the victims were walking in the front door of the restaurant and the shooter was shooting "from the tree line". Armed good guy saw what was happening and took care of business. Witnesses say the shooter was wearing hearing protection and "appeared skilled". Multiple (many) casings at his location, so maybe not so skilled as only two strikes. No update on shooters ID, so it's not clear if this was random or targeted.

[–] E-werd 1 points (+1|-0)

Makes me think of Pulp Fiction.

"any of you fucking pricks move, and I'll execute every mother fucking last one of you"

I guess the bitch didn't stay cool.

[–] Sarcastaway 2 points (+2|-0)

Right on.

I've always wondered what the process is like (for the defender) after a self defense shooting. Obviously if you kill an active shooter, you're supposed to stay on scene until police get there. What then? I'm guessing a smart man will call a lawyer in the meantime, but what do cops do with the defender? Taken into custody? Surely the firearm is confiscated as evidence until the investigation is concluded?

[–] OeeThaGreat 1 points (+1|-0)

From what I recall, yes they do take them into custody. In concealed carry courses they usually explain the entire process about how to handle this situation, but I am too drunk to describe it properly.

[–] Sarcastaway 1 points (+1|-0)

I am too drunk to describe it properly.

No worries pal, you answered my core question. Enjoy your buzz!

[–] COFfeebreak 4 points (+4|-0)

Around 6:30 p.m., police responded to the Louie’s restaurant near Lake Hefner. Police say the gunman went inside the restaurant and opened fire. They are calling it a “random act” at this point. Two people were shot and are now in the hospital undergoing surgery.One person broke his arm while running from the scene. As the suspect was exiting the restaurant, a “bystander with a pistol confronted the shooter outside” and fatally shot him.

Good guy with a legal carry gun stops a bad guy with a gun. Thank you, anon good guy!

[–] registereduser 1 points (+1|-0)

This is how it's done. When people realize this, we'll see a lot less shootings over night.

Of course Chicago niggers will never stop slaughtering each other, but no one cares about that.

[–] doggone 1 points (+1|-0)

I'm "pro gun", but you can cause a big mess really fast with a gun, even if good guys with guns are around. The shooters are crazy and or want to die, which is tough to deter. This isn't going away, imo.

[–] registereduser 3 points (+3|-0)

The vast majority of shootings of this kind are in gun free zones. The few that are not in gun free zones, are still in places these douche bags don't expect fellow citizens to shoot back.

If you have more armed citizens shooting back, you'll see a lot less crazy instantly.

This ain't rocket science. Contrary to popular propaganda, most of these cunts don't want to die. They just want to kill some sheep.