[–] registereduser 1 points (+1|-0)

This is how it's done. When people realize this, we'll see a lot less shootings over night.

Of course Chicago niggers will never stop slaughtering each other, but no one cares about that.

[–] doggone 1 points (+1|-0)

I'm "pro gun", but you can cause a big mess really fast with a gun, even if good guys with guns are around. The shooters are crazy and or want to die, which is tough to deter. This isn't going away, imo.

[–] registereduser 3 points (+3|-0)

The vast majority of shootings of this kind are in gun free zones. The few that are not in gun free zones, are still in places these douche bags don't expect fellow citizens to shoot back.

If you have more armed citizens shooting back, you'll see a lot less crazy instantly.

This ain't rocket science. Contrary to popular propaganda, most of these cunts don't want to die. They just want to kill some sheep.