I can't see this sticking.
That's not how free-speech works. Trump kicking people off his personal twitter is his right.
He is not preventing anyone from saying anything. They can say whatever they want on their twitter account, without repercussion from him.

It is not a 'Potus' account. It is Trumps account. He's still human, and still has rights too.
Regulating personal hours and actions is not something I will ever be ok with.

[–] GumpyBastard 4 points (+4|-0)

He is using it to conduct business as president and therefore it is no longer just his personal account.

using it to conduct business as president

Do you have an example?

no longer just his personal account.

By definition it is his personal account. If he is using it in the scope of his work, then that is the mistake.
Him being able to block people from his personal account is his right, no matter what his job.

[–] GumpyBastard 4 points (+4|-0)

From the linked article:

"uses the account to take actions that can be taken only by the President as President,” the judge said.

I agree that using his personal twitter account for governmental business was a bad idea, mostly because he now has to accept the limitations imposed on governments regarding transparency.

[–] Boukert [OP] 3 points (+3|-0) Edited

It is not a 'Potus' account. It is Trumps account. He's still human, and still has rights too.

I disagree, he tweeted numerous official statements on that account and even Sarah huckabee sanders confirmed that his Tweets are official statements from the president. In my eyes POTUS has no personal life when he acts in public, he's always on the clock. Potus is just not one of those jobs you can put down besides you, you are always POTUS for the outside world.

I compare it with the Dutch monarchy, whenever a king/queen or prince/princess makes "stupid remarks" in public (this happened a few times) he has to excuse himself. He can't go out on twitter as "Alexander" and go all out.... he's always publicly in function.

In my eyes POTUS has no personal life

That's the heart of our disagreement I think.
I believe it's just another job. When he clocks out, or is on a break, it's his time. I feel that during 'his time' he is free to talk about work, and more or less do as he pleases.

When he's on the clock, he has to take the public, when he's off, I think he's ok to tune them out.

[–] Boukert [OP] 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

It is.

I believe it's just another job. When he clocks out, or is on a break, it's his time.

He can to a certain degree "clock out" and have "his" time but only in the privacy of his home or among friends in private circumstances. Publishing statements on a global public media forum however changes this into a "public appearance", makes it "work" and makes him POTUS in function. Where he to make these statements at the bar of a private cocktail party, by all means. The difference is the platform being private or public.

It comes with the exceptional job; like royals, prime ministers and presidents (not only POTUS). Whenever you are acting in public, you are acting in function.


You used a misleading quote btw: "In my eyes POTUS has no personal life when he acts in public"