[–] InnocentBystander 6 points (+6|-0) 8 years ago

autopsy determined Gruver died from acute alcohol intoxication with aspiration

Aka the 'Rockstar Death'. Died choking on his vomit.
It is so easy to prevent this.

Why do they not teach this in all highschools?
After a kid died this way when I was in school they started teaching about it in health class at my highschool.
Nobody at that highschool has taken the Rockstar exit since.

If you ever see someone passed out after drinking, make sure they are sleeping on their stomich.
It is that simple. They will (usually) only be in danger if they are sleeping on their back. They only choke when too drunk to turn over after puking in their sleep.

Since one guy was charged with negligent homicide, I'm assuming that when the kid passed out, they just tossed him in a room and didn't check on him.
So stupid, and so easy to prevent.

[–] [Deleted] 4 points (+4|-0) 8 years ago

i had a buddy who chugged a little under a half liter of vodka at a party. unsurprisingly, he was vomitting and incoherent - though not totally unresponsive - 30 minutes later. the people we were partying with were bitches and were immediately saying call 911. now this buddy was more friend of a friend but i knew him well enough that i knew he would not appreciate the bill or having a hose shoved down his throat so i said we shouldn't take him to the hospital. someone asked me if i knew what to do with him and i will never forget the horrified look on his face when i said all he needs is to be laid on his stomach or side and to keep him nearby to keep an eye on him so he doesn't hendrix.

unfortunately the mutual friend of drunk guy and i was there and thought he needed to go to the hospital but we compromised with him driving him there so he doesn't get billed for the ambulance. sure enough, the next day, dude was pissed he was taken to the hospital and not just turned on his side, couldn't afford the bill and was homeless a year later due to a number of things, that bill included.

moral of the story: don't bring broke people to the hospital unless their heart has stopped.

[–] InnocentBystander 3 points (+3|-0) 8 years ago

That sucks. I had a friend get taken to the hospital once. Someone called the cops after he passed out while taking a piss in their front yard, on his way back from the store. The cops realized he was smashed and took him to the hospital.

Later that night he came back to the party. He woke up handcuffed to a bedrail in a hospital, but nobody around. So he disconnected the rail and brought it with him.
I just about died laughing when he came through my door in a hospital gown and handcuffs, holding a metal rectangle.
Didn't have to pay, but never got his clothes back.

I don't want to come right out and say "a person never needs to go to the hospital for alcohol", but a person never needs to go to the hospital for alcohol.
As long as those simple precautions are taken.

[–] TheRedArmy 4 points (+4|-0) 8 years ago

I don't want to come right out and say "a person never needs to go to the hospital for alcohol", but a person never needs to go to the hospital for alcohol.

I'm not saying you never need to go to the hospital for alcohol. But I'm not not saying it, either. :p

[–] [Deleted] 3 points (+3|-0) 8 years ago

ah man, that's great. i imagine someone at the hospital saw him walking down the hall like that and just laughed their asses off.