Anyone able to help me learn to css?

Pem, Pols little help plz?

Anyone able to help me learn to css? Pem, Pols little help plz?


[–] Mattvision 2 points (+2|-0) 4 years ago

I may be able to be of some assistance. What are you trying to do?

[–] GreenTreeFrog [OP] 🐸 1 points (+1|-0) 4 years ago

I'd like to upload a background picture to this sub and I was looking at the css stylesheet page and trying to follow the instruction Pol has left at the bottom about upload here and call it %%backgroundpic%%, I was renaming the %% bit to the literal filename (eg tikitorch.jpg) I was trying to upload but it wasn't working, ie it didn't seem to upload anything. What did I do wrong?

[–] Mattvision 0 points (+0|-0) 4 years ago

So the file didn't upload?

Can you tell me how many megabytes the file is? The site only allows 4 megabytes worth of images per sub.

[–] GreenTreeFrog [OP] 🐸 1 points (+1|-0) 4 years ago

The file didn't load and I didn't get an error message. The files were 58 and 35 k respectively. One was png the other was jpg.