Anyone able to help me learn to css?
Pem, Pols little help plz?
Anyone able to help me learn to css?
Pem, Pols little help plz?
So the file didn't upload?
Can you tell me how many megabytes the file is? The site only allows 4 megabytes worth of images per sub.
The file didn't load and I didn't get an error message. The files were 58 and 35 k respectively. One was png the other was jpg.
So after you choose the file, are you clicking upload? It doesn't do that automatically after you choose your file.
I'd like to upload a background picture to this sub and I was looking at the css stylesheet page and trying to follow the instruction Pol has left at the bottom about upload here and call it %%backgroundpic%%, I was renaming the %% bit to the literal filename (eg tikitorch.jpg) I was trying to upload but it wasn't working, ie it didn't seem to upload anything. What did I do wrong?