Very nice, I'm somewhat disappointed that I wasn't patient enough to wait for the new series. But I've been really enjoying my 2600x combined with the b450.

Coming from a 2014ish build, theres certainly a very noticeable difference.

Sorry about the wrong bios. That's quite frustrating. I've been wondering what flashing the mobo actually does, as I've noticed the b450 has a specific button for that. I just haven't gotten around to looking it up.

[–] KillBill 1 points (+1|-0)

Basically that button lets you flash the bios firmware without a cpu installed which is generally a requirement. Not many boards have that function and I specifically factored that in since old B450's dont support Ryzen3000 out of the gate.

On the 2600x vs 3600 the gains are almost insignificant except in a few poorly optimised(Ubisioft)open world titles at higher framerates. The main gain is in single and quad core performance.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ke3OnFlOUnI <--also has 2600x