[–] InnocentBystander 2 points (+2|-0) 7 years ago

This makes me happy.
I've always viewed Facebook as a threat and treated it that way. Zuckerberg never got anything from me.
But I failed horribly at dissuading others. It's good to see some waking up now, but it's a little too late. People are already conditioned to hand over intimate profiles to questionable services.
The herd will just move over to some clone, maybe google+, or some other.

In many ways I find the outrage silly. I'm not defending Cambridge Analytica, or Facebook, they're scum. But the users willingly handed over all their information to a corporate entity . Nobody stole anything from them. CA may have stolen from Facebook, I don't know/care. Nobody stole from the users, they gave it away, and can not expect any privacy now.

As for Elon vs Zuckerberg. I see a hero who wants to open up new technology and frontiers, and a villain that wants to control and limit them.
Go team Elon!

[–] xyzzy [OP] 2 points (+2|-0) 7 years ago

Zuckerberg never got anything from me.

Wrong. Someone you know has you in their address book and they share that with FB. They have a so called shadow profile of you.

The herd will just move over to some clone, maybe google+, or some other.

And as long as they have the same business model, the overall situation will not improve.

But the users willingly handed over all their information to a corporate entity . Nobody stole anything from them.

The companies managed to make the users outcasts if they don't agree with sharing data. Those who had their contact data shared in someones contact list never agreed to any TOS though.

CA may have stolen from Facebook, I don't know/care.

They didn't. They just used the APIs FB provided and then used that data.

As for Elon vs Zuckerberg

I hope one will get up far and the other goes down.

[–] InnocentBystander 0 points (+0|-0) 7 years ago

Wrong. Someone you know has you in their address book and they share that with FB. They have a so called shadow profile of you.

Wrong. I was aware of shadow profiles before that was public. Nobody can add my name or address to their book if I don't have one to add.
Zuckerberg never got anything from me. I've been wearing my tinfoil hat from days before Zuckerberg had pubic hair.
Paranoia pays off when it turns out that everything is out to get us.

Agree 100% with the rest.