[–] TheRedArmy 3 points (+3|-0)

No shit, right?

Harry "Ensign Weenie" Kim, Commander "Spiritual Guidance" Chakotay, and Tom "I'm a fucking convict" Paris. Not to mention a half-Klingon Engineer (great job choice B'Elanna, really using that Klingon psychology to your advantage - if you punch the engines hard enough I'm sure they'll work), and Samantha Wyldman going around taking screen time every time her kid does something useful like play Kadis-Kot with Seven or walk down a corridor.

I'll take Picard (nice spelling asshole :p ) over Janeway any day of the week. I do love Tuvok though, legit tactical officer.

[–] Boukert 3 points (+3|-0)

Pretty sure Chakotay is a closet homosexual! If you scan his facial Tattoo it takes you straight to his Grinder home page!