[–] TheRedArmy 3 points (+3|-0)

No shit, right?

Harry "Ensign Weenie" Kim, Commander "Spiritual Guidance" Chakotay, and Tom "I'm a fucking convict" Paris. Not to mention a half-Klingon Engineer (great job choice B'Elanna, really using that Klingon psychology to your advantage - if you punch the engines hard enough I'm sure they'll work), and Samantha Wyldman going around taking screen time every time her kid does something useful like play Kadis-Kot with Seven or walk down a corridor.

I'll take Picard (nice spelling asshole :p ) over Janeway any day of the week. I do love Tuvok though, legit tactical officer.

[–] Boukert 3 points (+3|-0)

Pretty sure Chakotay is a closet homosexual! If you scan his facial Tattoo it takes you straight to his Grinder home page!

[–] jobes [OP] 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

Ensign Weenie

That legit made me laugh. Holy shit.

Tuvok should be the recruiting standard for security and tactical ops. Starfleet should only put Vulcans there, why wouldn't they?

Also, after hearing "The Picard" I keep spelling it "Pacard" because of how it was said.