[–] smallpond 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

Look at him. Soft as fuck, shit conditioning.

He's only 14. Maybe give him another 5 years to finish growing before you put the boot in.

That's a dough-boy.
Age has nothing to do with it. Being young doesn't make people fat.
Cheetos and video games do. When I was young fat kids were rare, because exercise and healthy food.

Why would age have any relevance? It should be easier at his age.

[–] smallpond 0 points (+0|-0)

Yeah, he's a dough-boy (with a lot of muscle buried under there).

This kid is big, real big, but he's no athlete.

You're measuring him as an athlete, but he's just a 14 year-old with clear athletic potential who seems more interested in robotics. I agree he could lose some weight either way.

You're measuring him as an athlete

No I am not. I labeled him a doughboy. I specifically said he was not an athlete.

with clear athletic potential

No. Again, this kid is large, but not an athlete. That was the whole point of the comment you originally replied to.
Are you even reading before you reply?

I agree he could lose some weight

So what are you on about then? If you agree he's a dougboy, what's your point?