“I’ve done about anything I can fantasize about in the cold,”

Whoa there, Hof. Let's settle down now.

I have been using this guys method for a few years now, intermittently. I do it before and after workouts and sometimes when I'm feeling depressed. If it is real, I have felt its effects. If it is pseudo, I have also felt its effects.

I tell a lot of people about the method, and I feel inclined to mention in my own terms that I think it is dangerous if some people do it too much. I don't think its something you can jump into straight away, you need to build up your core strength a bit.

I never followed up on the man himself, I never checked to see if this was all bs or not but I still practice the method and enjoy its results. I can liken it to a tao meditation, it feels like "summoning your chakra" if you want to get metaphysical.

[–] Sarcastaway 1 points (+1|-0)

Makes sense. Raising blood O2 with metered deep breathing is a logical counter to the body's natural reaction to cold shock, which is rapid shallow breathing. This combined with relaxing muscles has the further benefit of helping fight another of the body's natural responses to extreme cold, which is to restrict blood flow to the extremities (a large factor in frostbite).

Its cool to see someone actually proving all this with medical science!

[–] chmod 0 points (+0|-0)

Doesn't make sense to me. Freezing temperatures freeze cell walls causing frost bite. There's no amount of mind control that can counteract that. I smell a rat.

[–] Sarcastaway 2 points (+2|-0)

Increasing blood flow to the extremities increases the amount of core body heat transferred to the extremities. Not witchcraft, or bullshit. Basic physiology and thermodynamics.

All this guy is doing is allowing his entire body to cool at a similar rate, rather than conserving core heat at the expense of extremity heat. The net result is that you can stay exposed to extreme cold for longer before frostbite, while sacrificing total survival time. Using this technique you'll die faster, but probably keep your toes if you live.

And then there's the hyperoxigination. If you breathe fast, your blood gets more O2. More O2 means a faster metabolism. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15803488 Wim Hof carboloads, and breathes fast to burn more calories.

In simple terms, this guy is overclocking his body.

[–] 3rr0r 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Read the last line and paragraph

“You can think whatever you want but your body still freezes and you are dead,” Musik says

But It can work for short periods of time.

[–] chmod 0 points (+0|-0)

So he didn't climb Everest in shorts. He never summited and didn't do the whole thing in shorts. This is BS.