“I’ve done about anything I can fantasize about in the cold,”

Whoa there, Hof. Let's settle down now.

I have been using this guys method for a few years now, intermittently. I do it before and after workouts and sometimes when I'm feeling depressed. If it is real, I have felt its effects. If it is pseudo, I have also felt its effects.

I tell a lot of people about the method, and I feel inclined to mention in my own terms that I think it is dangerous if some people do it too much. I don't think its something you can jump into straight away, you need to build up your core strength a bit.

I never followed up on the man himself, I never checked to see if this was all bs or not but I still practice the method and enjoy its results. I can liken it to a tao meditation, it feels like "summoning your chakra" if you want to get metaphysical.