I took him to the vets again today because he has been having trouble with his ears. He's been scratching at them for a while and I got some ear drops for him because they thought it might be an ear infection. It didn't really clear up, so I took him back and apparently he is allergic to tinned dog food.
My dog is allergic to dog food. I have to feed him raw meat now.
Also, he has a new hobby. If I leave the bathroom door open, he goes upstairs, brings the toilet brush down and puts it down in front of me as a present and wanders off. He doesn't do this with any other objects, not even his toys, just my fucking toilet brush.
Weird animal.
I don't know shit about dogs, or know if I fully understand your North Atlantic slang (I'm assuming 'tinned' == wet), but is dry food fine with him? I mean, don't buy the super shitty dry food that they wouldn't even feed to slaves and shit, but good dry food helps for convenience so you don't always have to do the meat/wet meals, as well as if you aren't going to be home and need someone else to feed him. Maybe he can't have either standard wet or dry food because of the ash content or some shit. They cook that stuff at such high temperatures to break down the bone enough that some of it mostly disintegrates or some shit.
Also, check on the raw meat requirements. Again I don't know dogs, too lazy to look it up, but if you feed a cat only raw meat it will die. Mother fuckers need shit like Taurine, which is largely found in hearts, and other shit found in bones to literally survive. Getting a meat grinder to do bone is kind of a pain and loud as fucking shit.