I took him to the vets again today because he has been having trouble with his ears. He's been scratching at them for a while and I got some ear drops for him because they thought it might be an ear infection. It didn't really clear up, so I took him back and apparently he is allergic to tinned dog food.

My dog is allergic to dog food. I have to feed him raw meat now.

Also, he has a new hobby. If I leave the bathroom door open, he goes upstairs, brings the toilet brush down and puts it down in front of me as a present and wanders off. He doesn't do this with any other objects, not even his toys, just my fucking toilet brush.

Weird animal.

I took him to the vets again today because he has been having trouble with his ears. He's been scratching at them for a while and I got some ear drops for him because they thought it might be an ear infection. It didn't really clear up, so I took him back and apparently he is allergic to tinned dog food. My dog is allergic to dog food. I have to feed him raw meat now. Also, he has a new hobby. If I leave the bathroom door open, he goes upstairs, brings the toilet brush down and puts it down in front of me as a present and wanders off. He doesn't do this with any other objects, not even his toys, just my fucking toilet brush. Weird animal.


[–] PMYA [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Yeah, tinned food is wet food. He absolutely hates dry food, I put dry food in with his wet food and he tries to eat around it as much as he can. I think dogs are fine with only eating meat, my grandparents had two border collies on their farm that only ate meat.

I will be giving him other shit though, not just the meat.

[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Coolio, maybe try starting with the frozen raw meat shit that you thaw hours before and see how that goes. It's fucking expensive and should have all the little things that are needed and you can gauge if he'll eat shit that's below room temp at all. My cats will not fucking touch anything below room temp besides water, so I only get like a 30 minute window to really give them the frozen raw shit before it starts getting sketchy for leaving it out.

I can't buy large cans of wet for them because they refuse leftovers that are slightly cooler...fuckers.

Also, if dogs can just do meat, then boiling or baking is an option. I usually add a breast or thigh when I'm making chicken for the cats that I leave plain and they eat that shit up and go kinda feral for a bit after that. It's pretty cute. It works their meals in with yours too, so kinda cool if they don't need that other shit.