Alright so quick update.

After a day of trying, I finally got a successful install of win 10.

Downloaded Doom and even woke up early to play before work.

A half hour in it crashed and restarted.

At work I realized I hadn't updated drivers. So I did that when I returned home. Played maybe and hour before my comp shut down.

Now... after letting it "cool" down. the (new) power button triggered no response. I flicked the PSU off and on then tried again.

Everything clicked on for about a second before turning back off.

If something's wrong I don't want to exacerbate it. But I'm at a total loss what it could be.


Alright so quick update. After a day of trying, I finally got a successful install of win 10. Downloaded Doom and even woke up early to play before work. A half hour in it crashed and restarted. At work I realized I hadn't updated drivers. So I did that when I returned home. Played maybe and hour before my comp shut down. Now... after letting it "cool" down. the (new) power button triggered no response. I flicked the PSU off and on then tried again. Everything clicked on for about a second before turning back off. If something's wrong I don't want to exacerbate it. But I'm at a total loss what it could be. Halp?


I'm taking it to a shop for them to deal with it.

I removed basically everything one by one until it was just the psu and mobo with no change in behavior.

I left everything in the bios on default as I hadn't gotten around the poking through that yet. and at this point I can't even access it.

[–] KillBill 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Yea it sucks when things go wrong. I ended up with bad ram on my first build despite being told everything would work fine. I mean they refunded my money but if I waited for replacement ram it would have been 6 weeks turnaround since I ordered online. KInda tossing up if I pay the extra 100 this time around for them to put it together and the guaranteed 2 1 year working system build warranty that comes with it.

Yeah I hope it's not something simple like bad ram. I did go for budget on that. Unfortunately it's that build is the only ddr4 capable machine, so there's really no way I can test them. I did try removing them one by one and switching docking ports to no avail.

Hopefully it'll all be finished by the end of this weekend. $30 to make the computer work is worth it IMO.

I did leave a note requesting that its doom2016 capable without any unexpected issues. Hopefully tech guy will come through on that.

[–] KillBill 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Did you try just one stick without the other in? Also I know its too late now but you can run memtest (which also comes standard on most linux live usb distros so you can choose it at the boot option there) and just leave it to run overnight, that's how I narrowed down my issue back in the day.

And budget ram usually just as reliable you just pay more for timings, latency and OC speed.

Anyway they will have the tools to troubleshoot it and get it running or at least provide you with options. Soon you will be running Doom 2016 and the new doom games looked pretty good as well at E3.