Alright so quick update.
After a day of trying, I finally got a successful install of win 10.
Downloaded Doom and even woke up early to play before work.
A half hour in it crashed and restarted.
At work I realized I hadn't updated drivers. So I did that when I returned home. Played maybe and hour before my comp shut down.
Now... after letting it "cool" down. the (new) power button triggered no response. I flicked the PSU off and on then tried again.
Everything clicked on for about a second before turning back off.
If something's wrong I don't want to exacerbate it. But I'm at a total loss what it could be.
Is this sorted out yet? Randomly times issues like that can be something not seated properly or you could have abad memory stick if its new. I was having a similar issue with blue screens and it was a loose sata cable on an ssd. The other cause of something liek this could be XMP memory settings in your bios. XMP is a fancy word for automatic overclocking but it can cause issues like you're having.