Alright so quick update.

After a day of trying, I finally got a successful install of win 10.

Downloaded Doom and even woke up early to play before work.

A half hour in it crashed and restarted.

At work I realized I hadn't updated drivers. So I did that when I returned home. Played maybe and hour before my comp shut down.

Now... after letting it "cool" down. the (new) power button triggered no response. I flicked the PSU off and on then tried again.

Everything clicked on for about a second before turning back off.

If something's wrong I don't want to exacerbate it. But I'm at a total loss what it could be.


Alright so quick update. After a day of trying, I finally got a successful install of win 10. Downloaded Doom and even woke up early to play before work. A half hour in it crashed and restarted. At work I realized I hadn't updated drivers. So I did that when I returned home. Played maybe and hour before my comp shut down. Now... after letting it "cool" down. the (new) power button triggered no response. I flicked the PSU off and on then tried again. Everything clicked on for about a second before turning back off. If something's wrong I don't want to exacerbate it. But I'm at a total loss what it could be. Halp?


[–] KillBill 1 points (+1|-0)

Is this sorted out yet? Randomly times issues like that can be something not seated properly or you could have abad memory stick if its new. I was having a similar issue with blue screens and it was a loose sata cable on an ssd. The other cause of something liek this could be XMP memory settings in your bios. XMP is a fancy word for automatic overclocking but it can cause issues like you're having.

I'm taking it to a shop for them to deal with it.

I removed basically everything one by one until it was just the psu and mobo with no change in behavior.

I left everything in the bios on default as I hadn't gotten around the poking through that yet. and at this point I can't even access it.

[–] KillBill 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Yea it sucks when things go wrong. I ended up with bad ram on my first build despite being told everything would work fine. I mean they refunded my money but if I waited for replacement ram it would have been 6 weeks turnaround since I ordered online. KInda tossing up if I pay the extra 100 this time around for them to put it together and the guaranteed 2 1 year working system build warranty that comes with it.

Yeah I hope it's not something simple like bad ram. I did go for budget on that. Unfortunately it's that build is the only ddr4 capable machine, so there's really no way I can test them. I did try removing them one by one and switching docking ports to no avail.

Hopefully it'll all be finished by the end of this weekend. $30 to make the computer work is worth it IMO.

I did leave a note requesting that its doom2016 capable without any unexpected issues. Hopefully tech guy will come through on that.