[–] Justintoxicated 4 points (+4|-0)

Well you've had 2-3 generations that were pushed into college simply because "that's what you're supposed to do". Send off immature kids to a place where they've been told is a big party and expect them to make adult decisions that will effect the rest of their lives, great idea. Unless your kid is super-focused and has a pretty good grip on pursuing a degree that will actually be an asset to them make them do a shit job locally for a couple years, make them want to get the fuck out, and make them earn it so they value the opportunity.

[–] jobes 3 points (+3|-0)

I went to the same university my parents went to, but that was after leaving my former University because I didn't realize it was a batshit wing of Christianity where music instruments weren't allowed in church and your RA's would have talks with you to stop you from masturbating. That switch was the best thing that ever happened because yeah, I smoked weed every single day and got into a hybrid computer science and electrical engineering program, and getting high and doing research is fun. It helped me then break into a great career.

[–] Justintoxicated 4 points (+4|-0)

RA's would have talks with you to stop you from masturbating.

I just imagine them busting in with a spray bottle disciplining you like they would a dog. "Stopppp. I said stoppp, now go wash your hands".

[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0)

I wish. It was more like "Hey guys, I had some extra time before my shower and I decided to do something that left me in a 'sticky situation'". That's close to word for word for the first one I had. It was so awkward. I later learned that specific RA was a theology professor's son who was arrested with over 50lbs of weed in Egypt. That's what really made me change schools, not because he wasn't a good church boy, but the fact he wasn't in prison.