[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

How is the not downvoting going for you?

Where did I ever say I don't downvote?
I have said in past that I have, and will downvote you each time you try to shit on a conversation.
Short memory?

[–] [Deleted] 0 points (+0|-0)
[–] InnocentBystander 0 points (+1|-1) Edited

Are you just quoting random phrases?
I have never said I don't downvote. That quote doesn't even mention downvotes.

I have stated on more than one occasion that I do.
I typically respond and let you know why though.

In summery, you're a retard and you're getting drool on the floor.
Please stop.

Edit: A downvote fairy is when a person gets followed around with unexplained downvotes. IE, not related to the topic.