[–] Sissypuff 2 points (+2|-0) Edited

Reviews are eager to compare it to X-Files but other than a few thematic similarities this show is a pale, almost comically so, imitation.

The female lead is fairly strong and credible in her role but some really hamfisted dialog goes a long way to taking any bite out of her character. The male lead is large but otherwise forgettable. And I'm sorry but casting for diversity points does not automatically make the show better than it actually is, despite what some reviewers clearly think. Besides a large, black man as that character is just bad casting IMO.

SPOILER The only actually interesting exchange in the whole 1st episode turns out to be in a dream. When you realize that you were getting excited over an intriguing, engaging direction for the plot but it's actually just a gimmick it's a huge let down. I mean how many time can they pull that trick before it gets old? Well one time, actually.

To be fair the interviews with the murder suspect, despite having been done a million times before, were reasonably tense and engaging. But his denouement is so sudden that it lacks any sense of satisfaction or resolution.

If you enjoy Evil the TV show then hey fill your boots; good TV is where you find it. I'm just giving the reasons why I'm not going to bother watching another episode.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

Wow! X-Files is way before my time. I only saw one of them.

I don't know what X-File's had for a premise. This one's investigating things for the vatican. I'm enjoying the interplay between Michael Emerson and Mike Colter.I think you're missing a bet ;-)