[–] Chiefpacman 2 points (+2|-0)

Depends on what your subbed to. I blocked a lot of political subs.

I like both places. This community is just a slice of the voat community though. Most people here seem to use both

[–] PMYA 1 points (+1|-0)

I blocked /v/news and /v/politics ages ago. It became an issue in subs that had nothing to do with politics though. /v/ModernPowers, for example, became really difficult to moderate as a direct result of heavily biased users with an alternate view of history starting to play.

Some users probably use Voat, but I think the first group/wave that split off and made Phuks has stopped using it pretty much entirely. I like to look at the frontpage a couple of times a week, or whenever there is an incident like the Charlottesville attack to see their take on it. I respond to pings/messages there, but other than that I don't post/comment anymore.