I'm suspicious of almost everything at Voat now. Just at a quick glance I see few old time Voaters here, I'll stick around for a bit and see what this place is about.

[–] jobes 2 points (+2|-0)

can you give the users more control of the site? like being able to voat out power mods?

Putt responded with "soon". This will not be abused at all. Uhh uh, no way.

[–] Violentlight 2 points (+2|-0)

Ya, this is problematic. I don't see why anyone should be removed from a sub they create. They create it, they create the environment. They decide all the rules and it is all theirs. I don't understand why anyone needs to step in. If it is a default sub, sure. I get there being different rules for a default sub. But a sub made by someone should be left alone as long as they are not doing illegal stuff. Even that is getting hard to fully support considering how in Canada, wrong-think has become illegal.

It gets really tricking to sort this all out now. I don't know how we ended up here. But fuck I hate it so much.

[–] PMYA 8 points (+8|-0)

A couple of things about this are strange to me. It has been 2 years or so since the @she saga, and it was clear then that the restriction system had its problems after her account was basically rendered useless within a couple of days. They did fix that somewhat with the 7 day limit on voting, so people can't go back through someone's profile and totally screw them. It is bizarre though that there would be a sudden 180 on this - at the time the entire site including the admins was all for shutting her down, no concerns were raised.

As I see it, the only way to "allow unpopular opinions while preventing comment spam" is to either remove the voting system entirely, basically turning the site into an imageboard, or get a new batch of users that don't attempt to shut people down at every opportunity. The users are so biased at this point that nobody with differing opinions will even want to use the site anymore, because as an aggregator there is just no content there for them anymore that they would be interested in.

This problem was only made worse when people started to strip the rules on subs, mostly the defaults. They are so anti-moderation that they've created the opposite of the problem that exists on Reddit.

[–] Chiefpacman 2 points (+2|-0)

The users are so biased at this point that nobody with differing opinions will even want to use the site anymore,

Thats kind of how I feel about phuks. But here I am!

Everyone has biases. But here I don't get downvoted or harassed for having the 'wrong' opinion.
I think I have disagreed politically with everyone here at some point.
But I was never downvoted for it, and they usually engaged in, at least somewhat, productive debate.

[–] Chiefpacman 1 points (+1|-0)

I don't use phuks much, but go look at my submissions.

The one anti leftist post, one of my first posts here: +0, -5.

Link your dissenting opinion not getting buried, b/c I'm curious.

As you say, everyone is biased. It's true.

[–] PMYA 3 points (+3|-0)

Maybe to an extent, but at least we have content here that isn't purely political. As soon as the election campaign ramped up, all content on Voat started to revolve around politics.

[–] Chiefpacman 2 points (+2|-0)

Depends on what your subbed to. I blocked a lot of political subs.

I like both places. This community is just a slice of the voat community though. Most people here seem to use both

[–] smallpond 3 points (+3|-0)

It also escapes me as to why it took 2 years to do something... a cynical sort might imagine that recent website censorship has them spooked - hence the willingness to foster a healthier range of opinions.

As I see it, the only way to "allow unpopular opinions while preventing comment spam" is to either remove the voting system entirely, basically turning the site into an imageboard, or get a new batch of users...

I don't think removing the voting system entirely is necessary. I put in my two cents here. As for the users, I guess time will tell. If they implement something fair I think it's clearly going to take a while until the culture improves, if it ever does. Fortunately that leaves a niche for phuks once the perfect new website design goes live and you hit the big-time.

[–] jobes 3 points (+3|-0)

Some of the Voat users are even more snowflakey than I remember

[–] PMYA 1 points (+1|-0)

I like the reply you got on that comment. Pretty much sums up the attitude there. No attempt was made to address anything you said, you were just discredited for being a user someone doesn't like.

[–] smallpond 1 points (+1|-0)

Well, from Crensch I expect nothing less... he's such a caricature villain - I seriously suspect he's a paid strawman.