There was an article like this about a year ago too. It's a known limitation that Tor could be infiltrated with a Sybil attack, so if your enemy is NSA running a large number of nodes. The Tor projects finds and bans these from time to time, but there is always the possibility for malicious nodes. In any case, a large number of Russian, NSA, Iranian, etc nods actually makes the network stronger so long as a single group doesn't control a large fraction of the network. The whole situation is similar to bitcoin miners really.
It would be amusing the Russian, NSA, Iranian, etc nodes starting sharing information to game the system rather than antagonizing each other.
That would only happen if we have world peace.. which would only occur either if humanity has matured enough to not be vindictive and power hungry and instead work with each other towards the common good and shared interests (lol) or we have a one-world government dystopia. I won't hold my breath. In the mean time, I'd love to see more North Korean nodes added to the network.
The Snowden leaks showed that US Intel agencies have been doing this for at least a decade now, so it's not exactly surprising if other state actors are doing the same.