We're having similar issues finding crew members for landscaping. Right now our only requirements are having a valid driver's license and being willing to work. We're trying to avoid the day laborer market but we may have to start recruiting from there.
We're having similar issues finding crew members for landscaping. Right now our only requirements are having a valid driver's license and being willing to work. We're trying to avoid the day laborer market but we may have to start recruiting from there.
A local small winery near me is trying to expand and wants to hire over 100 people. They are offering $1000 signing bonus with another $1000 in 3 months and they can barely hire a soul. A guy I know that runs a tree removal business said in the last month 15 people called him to set up interviews and not a single one showed up, even though they called him. Another guy I talked to offered double pay to one guy who response 'maybe in September when my benefits run out'.
This fucking unemployment benefits for people to stay at home is causing this retarded labor shortage.