I can dream, but due to the frequency of weed consumption, I almost never achieve rem sleep.
I only learned this recently. I always assumed that I still dreamed, but just didn't remember them.
Recently though I learned that is not the case, and that some researchers may be looking for people like me to study.
Science doesn't really know what happens when a person goes a long period without rem. It is thought to be very important.
But recently it has been found that people (like me) who habitually smoke marijuana, don't always get rem sleep.
Most people are not high every day though, so while it may be binge-rem, that's still enough.
So they've been trying to find enough people that have been consistently stoned for extended periods, to do research.
I've had less than a dozen dreams in about 30 years, so I'm a rare find.
And they said I would never amount to anything in life..
Who's laughing now? I'm advancing science!
Drug abuse FTW!
A special snowflake.