I can dream, but due to the frequency of weed consumption, I almost never achieve rem sleep.
I only learned this recently. I always assumed that I still dreamed, but just didn't remember them.

Recently though I learned that is not the case, and that some researchers may be looking for people like me to study.
Science doesn't really know what happens when a person goes a long period without rem. It is thought to be very important.
But recently it has been found that people (like me) who habitually smoke marijuana, don't always get rem sleep.

Most people are not high every day though, so while it may be binge-rem, that's still enough.
So they've been trying to find enough people that have been consistently stoned for extended periods, to do research.
I've had less than a dozen dreams in about 30 years, so I'm a rare find.

And they said I would never amount to anything in life..
Who's laughing now? I'm advancing science!

Drug abuse FTW!

I can dream, but due to the frequency of weed consumption, I almost never achieve rem sleep. I only learned this recently. I always assumed that I still dreamed, but just didn't remember them. Recently though I learned that is not the case, and that some researchers may be looking for people like me to study. Science doesn't really know what happens when a person goes a long period without rem. It is thought to be very important. But recently it has been found that people (like me) who habitually smoke marijuana, don't always get rem sleep. Most people are not high *every* day though, so while it may be binge-rem, that's still enough. So they've been trying to find enough people that have been consistently stoned for extended periods, to do research. I've had less than a dozen dreams in about 30 years, so I'm a rare find. And they said I would never amount to anything in life.. Who's laughing now? I'm advancing science! Drug abuse FTW!


[–] mindtrip 1 points (+1|-0)

How's your short and long term memory?

My issue is I couldn't get into the phase of sleep after dreaming as I'd wake up from nightmares every night. My memory went to shit and a general foggyness took my mind. Had an MRI and my brain looks 20 yrs older than it should. My vice was alcohol though. Cutting that back heaps helped a little but combo'd with additional lifting routines, 8g of fish oil a day, meditation, and more social interaction it's finally coming good. I had my first normal dream in a long while the other week, I woke up in the morning excited and elated. Assuming my progress continues I may finally have escaped my little hell. 5 years to get here though.

Don't mess with your sleep hey.

How's your short and long term memory?

I know my short-term is scrambled. The long-term seems fine. It's hard to say though because I've always had a shit memory.
If it has affected my long-term, it's not by much.

Assuming my progress continues I may finally have escaped my little hell

I'm glad it's getting better for you. It's never really affected me in a negative way. That I can tell. I had problems getting to sleep and staying asleep when I was young. Part of why the use is so habitual is as a sleep aide. And I always thought it was working well.
Until I learned I am an unnatural freak. :)

[–] mindtrip 1 points (+1|-0)

Recent studies are showing most of the memory consolidation from short to long happens during that phase of sleep after REM. There's even research around Trans-cranial Magnetic Stimulation to detect the state the mind is in while you sleep and "massage" you into the memory cycle phases for longer. There are some promising results thus far. Perhaps you are skipping the dream phase and dipping into this other layer. Though poor short term memory is a known side effect from lack of quality sleep and marijuana use. I avoid the shit because it doesn't agree with me but know several people using it medicinally which has helped them tenfold.

[–] Sarcastaway 1 points (+1|-0)

I used to smoke a lot of weed. Like 24/7, blunts in the middle of the night, snoop dogg-tier, embarrassing amounts.

I always blamed that for my lack of dreams, but I've been sober for years now, and I never remember my dreams unless I'm woken up by something. Furthermore, alarm clocks don't do it for me. The sleep disturbance has to happen in the middle of deep sleep, otherwise I'm a blank slate in the morning.

It makes me wonder if scientists have done wakeful brainwave studies on habitual smokers. I almost wonder if all-the-time smokers are basically in a perpetual state of wakeful REM.

wonder if scientists have ..

Unfortunately science has been and still is lacking due to barbaric restrictions.
But that is changing.

I almost wonder if all-the-time smokers are basically in a perpetual state of wakeful REM.

Interesting question. My body/mind must be compensating somehow.

[–] Sarcastaway 1 points (+1|-0)

Its just interesting because I look back at those stoned years of my life and remember them the same way I might remember a vivid dream. All the info is there, but there's just something surreal about the way I process the memory.

When memories are recorded by a stoned brain, they take an imprint from the high. That's why clear memories of intoxicated states still seem blurred and/or surreal.
At least, that has been my experience.

I think that is one explanation for flashbacks, also. If a person relaxes and lets their mind wander into the state of that roasted memory, it can induce a pseudo-high.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

I miss herbal goodness somedays. I'm sure I'll smoke it again in my lifetime but I'm going on 10+ years w/o it. I was a straight up head when I smoked it. Some people do fine but it's a major motivation killer for me. I've been thinking of taking a weed vacation to someplace it's legal. It's been so long I wouldn't know where to find it anyways.

major motivation killer for me.

That can be a problem. I counter it with excessive amounts of coffee. I often also avoid smoking until after I've left the house.
I can be hard to battle inertia, but once I'm in motion, it's fine.

It's been so long I wouldn't know where to find it anyways.

In many areas it's now as simple as walking into a store.

[–] [Deleted] 1 points (+1|-0)

I'm not in a state where they do this but since it's still illegal here I won't be risking my 2nd amendment rights b/c of something some asshat politician does deciding to copy Hawaii. I have wanted to visit Colorado now again for years as I've got a friend out there I'd like to see. That's my current strategy lol.