Debate me, or whatever.

Debate me, or whatever.


[–] pembo210 1 points (+1|-0)

I'm thinking way smaller scale. Not making money off the crops, but actually growing, eating, and preserving most of them for personal use. Something like 20-40 acres with a dozen pigs, 20 chickens, and maybe a few cows could generate enough food for a family. Chickens are real cheap and mature pretty quick. Rabbits are great too.

Yeah, beyond that, I'm not real sure on ongoing costs like animal feed or electricity to run the wells for water. Adding 40 solar panels would cover the power bill plus get a some money back from the power company for a little extra income.

I don't see it making money, but instead providing a safety net. If the power grid goes down, grocery store shelves never get stocked, your retirement fund fails, you'll have food onsite.

[–] Boukert 0 points (+0|-0)

That's a far fetched scenario for idealist or "preppers" though and full of risks on a normal scenario (or will you be paying your medical bills in eggs). I'd personally rather use the 401k money and just buy those supplies cheap and easy and enjoy my pension by having the freedom to do whatever I want, where ever I want.