Eddie Long died aged 63, which means he is worth 37 points. However, he is also a unique pick, and the first to die, so 25 bonus points will be awarded to.... me.

I got first pick, which places me at the top of the leaderboard on 62 points. Sixty two fucking points, and we aren't even 3 weeks into the new year yet.

I picked him because I saw some before and after pics of him. He lost a ton of weight. His church has issued a statment saying he died of cancer, but I think he had AIDs, and didn't want anyone to know about it. It is the only explanation, as he lost a shit ton of weight, has been accused of some weird sexual stuff in the past, and he tried to play everything off as though he was fine and cover up his illness.

Regardless of how he died, I'm in 1st place. Kek.

Eddie Long died aged 63, which means he is worth 37 points. However, he is also a unique pick, and the first to die, so 25 bonus points will be awarded to.... me. I got first pick, which places me at the top of the leaderboard on 62 points. Sixty two fucking points, and we aren't even 3 weeks into the new year yet. I picked him because I saw some before and after pics of him. He lost a ton of weight. His church has issued a statment [saying he died of cancer](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/17/us/bishop-eddie-l-long-accused-of-sexual-misconduct-dies-at-63.html), but I think he had AIDs, and didn't want anyone to know about it. It is the only explanation, as he lost a shit ton of weight, has been accused of some weird sexual stuff in the past, and he tried to play everything off as though he was fine and cover up his illness. Regardless of how he died, I'm in 1st place. Kek.


[–] PMYA [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Because you're a narsasist and want to in everyone's face how much better you are than everyone

Pfft. I can beat you all without cheating, believe me. I've seen all your pick lists, and nobody is posing a threat to my inevitable supreme victory so far.

[–] ashekchum 1 points (+1|-0)

Because you took the best picks from everyone's list and combined them together into one super list. It was your idea after all to keep pick lists secret, something that wasn't implemented before.

[–] PMYA [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

All of my picks are unique at the moment. Nobody has one single pick that is the same as mine.

The variation in pick lists this year compared to last is huge. There are a couple of names that pop up in a few lists but there are still a lot more unique ones than copies.