Eddie Long died aged 63, which means he is worth 37 points. However, he is also a unique pick, and the first to die, so 25 bonus points will be awarded to.... me.

I got first pick, which places me at the top of the leaderboard on 62 points. Sixty two fucking points, and we aren't even 3 weeks into the new year yet.

I picked him because I saw some before and after pics of him. He lost a ton of weight. His church has issued a statment saying he died of cancer, but I think he had AIDs, and didn't want anyone to know about it. It is the only explanation, as he lost a shit ton of weight, has been accused of some weird sexual stuff in the past, and he tried to play everything off as though he was fine and cover up his illness.

Regardless of how he died, I'm in 1st place. Kek.

Eddie Long died aged 63, which means he is worth 37 points. However, he is also a unique pick, and the first to die, so 25 bonus points will be awarded to.... me. I got first pick, which places me at the top of the leaderboard on 62 points. Sixty two fucking points, and we aren't even 3 weeks into the new year yet. I picked him because I saw some before and after pics of him. He lost a ton of weight. His church has issued a statment [saying he died of cancer](https://www.nytimes.com/2017/01/17/us/bishop-eddie-l-long-accused-of-sexual-misconduct-dies-at-63.html), but I think he had AIDs, and didn't want anyone to know about it. It is the only explanation, as he lost a shit ton of weight, has been accused of some weird sexual stuff in the past, and he tried to play everything off as though he was fine and cover up his illness. Regardless of how he died, I'm in 1st place. Kek.


[–] PMYA [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

@Alybad @Fluf @Skyrock

Also, @Boukert submit some picks.

[–] Skyrock 1 points (+1|-0)

I've sent my list already in last night.

[–] PMYA [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

Oh I know, I was telling Boukert to submit his.

I ping all players when something big happens like a very famous death or a big change in the leaderboard.

[–] jobes 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Mmmm I gots to get those damned picks in! Damn you GDC and work!

Congrats btw

[–] Mastercat 1 points (+1|-0)

Congratulations. I've got to get my shit together and finish my pick list.

[–] ashekchum 0 points (+0|-0)

I'm calling hacks, no one but @PMYA has access to his list thus he can change it at anytime giving himself the best score. I recommend his immediate disqualification. And force him to submit a new list, to at least on other user an @admin or @Jobes will work fine. As there had been no accnolegment of another user receiving his list before anyone mentioning it now is suspect.

[–] PMYA [OP] 2 points (+2|-0)

This is completely true, nobody else has seen the entire pick list apart from myself.

But why would I go to the trouble of setting up deathpool just to rig it in my favour? There's no fun in that. I will send the doc I'm using to Jobes after he has submitted his pick list, so there is more than one person keeping track of the list in future.

[–] ashekchum 0 points (+0|-0)

Because you're a narsasist and want to in everyone's face how much better you are than everyone, to make up for your own failings and inadequacies as a person? It's what I'd do. I don't know I can't devine your motive.

I call this whole league suspect and curse it. I can neither prove nor disprove your cheating, I don't have much reason to suspect your cheating though I can't rule it out

Something something the star trek episode who watches the watchers

[–] PMYA [OP] 1 points (+1|-0)

Because you're a narsasist and want to in everyone's face how much better you are than everyone

Pfft. I can beat you all without cheating, believe me. I've seen all your pick lists, and nobody is posing a threat to my inevitable supreme victory so far.

[–] pembo210 1 points (+1|-0)

we were actually just talking a couple days ago about how we might be able to work something into the site because right now he was just holding a sheet. We didn't expect anyone to kick it so soon.

What if we could make a form system for mods that saves the results and responds with results..

Some kind of sub polling system has been asked for a bunch of times on a few sites i've used.

Basically some way to saving and timestamping sub inquiries or poll results.

[–] ashekchum 0 points (+0|-0)

Well I'm mostly joking on that he cheated, but I cannot rule out the possiblity. The lack of transparancy here is really conserning, I though that was supposed to be one of the founding principles, ever get the intro page done, i havent compiled a recomneded sub list yet though