[–] OeeThaGreat 0 points (+0|-0)

He was young, and it’s my understanding he wanted to see what long-term effects there were.

Sounds pretty reasonable to me. There are reports of the vaccine affecting people with heart conditions, and we know covid-19 has a high death rate in those with health conditions. He was reluctant to get vaccine because his family has a history of heart conditions and covid might have killed him if he had a heart condition. Kind of a damned if you do, damned if you don't situation.

Not really a good example for getting the VAX if you read into the story and use your thinking meat.

[–] jobes 0 points (+0|-0)

The way he died of sudden collapse and a family history of heart problems sounds like one of those cases of 'died with covid' rather than 'died from covid'. There haven't been many deaths like that since China put out those faux videos of people dying in the streets when this first started.