[–] Sarcastaway [OP] 1 points (+1|-0) Edited

Do not misunderstand the message. This is not a commentary on a president. This is the absolute truth of the political system of the United States, and the world.

Edit: I decided to do a summary. Fair warning, there is a lot here:

-It's a rich mans world.

-Money buys money.

-People without money either serve those in power, or get cast aside.

-People with money don't go to prison.

-Small money buys politicians.

-Money overthrows governments.

-Money buys freedom.

-Money buys politicians.

-If you don't already understand the previous, you are a dumb motherfucka'.

-The rich and guilty hide their guilt 100%, no exceptions. If you know it, you're meant to.

-Courts don't want to prosecute VIP's, because when indited, they have dirt on everyone.

-For people with money, the law exists to be rewritten.

-Whistleblowers and researchers mean nothing to the corrupt, they have CIA operatives already paid off.

-Big money gets more money from terrorists, and events like 9/11 just make them more.

-Immortal Technique don't pay 'em to fuck, he pay em to leave.

-The IFM run shit, make no mistake. They run this shit. No really. Do some research.

-While you distract yourself with the pleasures of the world, the wealthy murder their enemies with no remorse.

-Rappers claim wealth, but its the corporations behind them that call all the shots.

-Obama signed bailouts that made billions for the Vatican.

-Tax-free charities pay out to the rich, and spend pennies on the poor to justify their existence.

-The Federal Reserve owns the US, and by proxy the world. Haven't you learned???

-Idiots protest the cops, but this does no good because city hall is bought and paid for.

-Everything you say is recorded. The NSA, telecom corporations, and their owners hear and save EVERYTHING.

-Elections don't mean a thing. Your options are preselected. A reuse to deceive the sheep.

-New technology is head back by the elite until it can make them money.

-World banks tax our very existence.

-CEOs and their psudo-masonic interests call the shots.

-Since before your birth the elites have decided what your watch and what your read.

-Before long, they'll own the air that your breathe.

-They convince you that all of this if for your own good.

-They select your leaders, and your rights. End of the conversation.

[–] PhunkyPlatypus 1 points (+1|-0)

I'm pretty sure this song predates Trump, although not the video.

Indeed. 2011, IIRC. A pretty ballsy move for a Hispanic rapper to take such a strong stance against authority during an era of "minority leadership," though I can see why this video was released now, considering the current administration.

I just hope people can see past the politics, race, class, and other divisive factors and see this for what it is. I'm really only a fan of a few of his songs, but he speaks a lot of dangerous truth here, and I respect him for that, regardless of my political beliefs.

[–] PhunkyPlatypus 1 points (+1|-0)

Immortal technique is one of those artists who speaks too real to ever be commercially viable. He's been at it for 20 years or so without raising above moderate notoriety.

I'm with you, as I not like a handful of his songs. But his lyrics push a lot of buttons on touch subjects.