Indeed. 2011, IIRC. A pretty ballsy move for a Hispanic rapper to take such a strong stance against authority during an era of "minority leadership," though I can see why this video was released now, considering the current administration.

I just hope people can see past the politics, race, class, and other divisive factors and see this for what it is. I'm really only a fan of a few of his songs, but he speaks a lot of dangerous truth here, and I respect him for that, regardless of my political beliefs.

[–] PhunkyPlatypus 1 points (+1|-0)

Immortal technique is one of those artists who speaks too real to ever be commercially viable. He's been at it for 20 years or so without raising above moderate notoriety.

I'm with you, as I not like a handful of his songs. But his lyrics push a lot of buttons on touch subjects.

Immortal technique is one of those artists who speaks too real to ever be commercially viable.

It really kills me to say this, but you're right. He'll never be mainstream.

I first heard about him after a friend recommended "Dance with the Devil." I legitimately cried like a bitch after hearing that song. He has an absolute mastery for storytelling, and it wasn't a fluke. He nailed it again with "You Never Know."

The sad thing is that the tragedies that he writes really don't summarize him. He always speaks truth, but his most important songs are really unrecognized. Tracks like "Cause of Death" and others are daringly telling.

So yeah, I might disagree with some of his politics, but I'm willing to dismiss that. The man chose a name I can't argue with.

[–] PhunkyPlatypus 0 points (+0|-0)

In my opinion the most talented and intelligent artist will never break into the mainstream. They refuse to water down their creativity for mass appeal. Immortal technique could have been there on the charts with eminem in the early 2000's but didn't have that appeal to the media.

I'm not familiar with most of his work, but whenever I new song pops up I'll listen to it through once.

I first heard dance with devil at work and had a similar reaction. It's a seriously fucked up, raw story.

He's very outspoken with his political views. Which for the most part cross party lines. Just pointing out the general corruption that runs rampant in politics.