[–] smallpond [OP] 0 points (+0|-0) Edited

Obviously 2C will not lead to the collapse of civilization. Proof: it already has changed that much in the course of human civilization and we're not just here but stronger than ever.

Not much point discussing with someone who just blurts out retarded lies like this.


Or are you going to claim that 'civilization' predates our migration from hunter gatherers?

Edit: Perhaps you're dishonestly conflating slow, natural temperature variation with the recent sudden increase above the average to anthropogenic forcing. So your 'proof' is a petty misdirection.

[–] CDanger 0 points (+0|-0)

Let's focus on the singular, crucial point here: humans and civilization are immensely adaptable and civilization will not collapse over 2C warming. Maybe you don't like that fact. Your link has nothing to do with this discussion in fact. This wasn't a discussion about whether warming is good, bad or neutral or about whether it is manmade or natural or about whether slow, gradual warming is more adaptable. Those are fine conversations to have, but it doesn't help to derail the conversation in that direction.

If temperatures tomorrow and all days in the future instantly increased 2 degrees, yes the world would be a different place, but civilization would keep running smoothly. You're delusional if you think there won't be cities, airplanes, shopping malls, TV, etc still after that.

I get it you hate climate change, but you need to accept facts as they are and be honest in discussions. Arguing obviously false things or misdirecting the conversation to the points you want to cover will only hurt the credibility of your movement--that's the whole theme of this thread of discussion.

[–] smallpond [OP] 0 points (+0|-0)

Arguing obviously false things or misdirecting the conversation to the points you want to cover...

The projection is blinding here. With your ignorance exposed, now you're conveniently trying to redirect the conversation.

humans and civilization are immensely adaptable and civilization will not collapse over 2C warming.

Civilization is very fragile. Driven towards growth and efficiency, not resilience. Collapse is likely even before climate change really stresses things.

.... will only hurt the credibility of your movement--that's the whole theme of this thread of discussion.

I don't have a 'movement', though I'm guessing you do given the cliched nonsense you spout. You do a great impression of just another internet man-child who can't admit their mistakes and will just double down on stupidity. Good luck with that.